When, Why & Where to scribble:

Your friend says 'Transfer the money to citi account 01356789012'.
You need to jot down the details & and use the data in a short while.
Tap on Quick scribble, , on the Right side of the Title bar and type it in, or tap on the mic button and speak 'scribble' citi account 01356789012. Save the unit. You use Quick Scribble as the data is small, you don't need it long and the data needs to be saved instantly.

The citibank credit card loan terms need to be documented and its good to track the payments.
Create a new scribble unit using +, name it 'citi card loan' and type all relevant data in to it. Attach the contact details, 'terms & conditions document', if any, etc to the unit. Enter date of loan (Deep press in edit mode to insert a date from the calendar) and enter emi details etc.
After each monthly payment, select the unit, update the payment details to keep a complete log of the loan.

Your neighbor gives you an interesting recipe for 'Onion Lotus'.
Create a new scribble using +, name it 'Recipe-Onion lotus'. Save the details. Attach your neighbor's contact to it.
After you try it out, tune the recipe data with your experiences.
You have a living recipe, enriched with each experience of yours...
Share it with your friends and spread cheer around.

Boss gives you a list of things to be done.
Create a new scribble LIST, change its settings to hide the numeric field, widen the description field & reduce the date field for a better view of the list. Add all the data.
Ideally, define it for synced sharing with the group-your team mates and the boss. Whenever you edit it, the current list gets shared to all the members of the group, automatically.

You are proud of your little garden. There is a lot of inputs from others, there are contacts who can give timely inputs & there is data gained from experiences. Ideally this is done in a new scribble unit, 'lilys garden', just as you have done for your recipe. This unit can have attachments of interesting photos, relevant contacts etc.

If you have many units for recipes, then create a category for recipe (from options in edit screen) and tag all the recipe units under that category. This helps you see the recipe units all together, keeping your scribbles more organized.

When you open scribbles, all these units appear in a summary screen. Select any one of them for viewing, editing, sharing, deletion etc.
You can find your unit with any bit of the unit's content. You can sort the units by date of last edit/creation/access etc
You can even add metadata, (data about the unit, but NOT part of the content, used only for finding it)

Create as many such units as you want.

Summary view:

A tap on scribble or a selection of Scribbles in main menu brings out the summary view of all your scribble units.
Tap on Expand to expand the unit and see the entire contents of the unit along with the other units in-line.
Sort your summary view of your scribbles in any sequence you desire..last edit date, creation date, access date, category, by tapping on Sort-Ascending or Sort-Descending.
A tap on any unit in summary view opens the unit. Once open, you can read it, use data in it to call, message or email or tap on Quick Note to edit it. A deep press gives you options to edit, delete, share (email, share with other apps), share to recent numbers, copy to clipboard, or even create a short cut.
To find your scribble, type any part of its content, even multiple bits (separated by coma) and tap on Find. Include even meta data to make your find easier.The find is smart enough to show you the best matches first when you search with multiple words. The result of the find appears like a filtered summary view. You can include all the applicable dates in the filter by tapping on Filters. If you remember that you edited something 3 days ago, filter by modified date and put the date on which you remember the modification happened. The relevant unit is displayed. The date filter and the search word work in tandem.

You can create a short cut in your home screen to any of your scribble units by a deep press on the unit in summary view. A tap on the 'Short cut' in home screen will instantly open the unit.